Curriculum Vitae

- Professional Experience
- Primary Education
- Selected Awards and Honors
- Other Selected Experiences and Further Education

Professional Experience

2018 - Studiengangleiter Joint Degree Masterstudiengang in Fachdidaktik Medien und Informatik (Studiengangleitung Teil HSLU)
2016 - Professor at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, at the Lucerne School of Information Technology.
2015 - 2016 Professor at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, at the School of Engineering and Architecture.
2012 - 2015 Lecturer and researcher at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, at the School of Engineering and Architecture.
2008 - 2011 Senior software engineer at Ergon Informatik AG: development, project management, supervision of apprentices.
2009 ‐ 2011 Part-time job as lecturer at EB-Zürich. Build-up and held six times the course Programmieren fürs iPhone.
2002 - 2007 PhD student and teaching assistant at the department of computer science at ETH Zurich.
2003 ‑ 2007 Co-Leader of the forum for women in computer science at ETH Zurich.
2002 Unterrichtspraktikum an der Fachhochschule Ostschweiz in Chur und Buchs.
2001 Unterrichtseinsatz Lehrlingsausbildung Zürcher Kantonalbank in Zürich.
2000 ETH-Praktikum bei der Dätwyler AG in Altdorf.
1996 - 1997 Internship in a developer team at UBS in Zurich.

Primary Education

2007 PhD-Degree Dr. sc. ETH, title of dissertation: Interactive Learning Environments for Mathematical Topics.
2003 Teaching degree from ETH Zurich (Höheres Lehramt).
2002 Degree Dipl. Informatik Ing. ETH, title of diplom theses: CreatureBrain ‐ Verhalten und Kognition einfacher Kreaturen.
1999 - 2000 Exchange year at the Strathclyde University in Glasgow.
1997 - 2002 Studies in computer science at ETH Zurich, minor: didactics and pedagogy.
1996 Matura Typus C an der Kantonalen Mittelschule Uri in Altdorf.

Selected Awards and Honors

2003 Second best ETH diploma in computer science out of 79 students in computer science, ETH Zurich, department of computer science.
2000 Placed on the dean's list for a meritorious standard in the exchange year of the BSc in computer science, Strathclyde University, Glasgow UK.

Other Selected Experiences and Further Education

2017 - Mitglied Programmkomitee der CH-Open Workshop-Tage.
2019 - 2022 Mitglied der Luzerner Maturitätskommission.
2019 6 Month Sabbatical. Individual training in my home office, with substantial time spent in Berlin, Teneriffa, La Gomera, Portugal & Kalymnos. February - August 2019.
2018 Attendance Voxxed Days Zürich, Zurich, March 8, 2018.
2018 Diplom als Berater SGfB der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Beratung.
2017 Aufbau-Curriculum zum psychosozialen Berater, 10 Tage, bei TA in Luzern.
2011 - 2017 JUG.CH (Java User Group Switzerland) member of the board.
2017 Besuch Ganztagesveranstaltung zu "Machine Learning für Software-Entwickler", bei den CH-Open-Workshop-Tagen, Rotkreuz, 12.09.2017.
2017 Teilnahme World Conference of Transactional Analysis (TAWC 2017), TU Berlin, July 27-29, 2017.
2016 Attendance App Builders Switzerland, Zürich, 25.-26. April 2016.
2016 Attendance Voxxed Days Zürich, Zurich, March 3, 2016.
2014 - 2016 Weiterbildung in Transaktionsanalyse / Psychosozialer Beratung, 20 Tage pro Jahr, TA in Luzern.
2015 Besuch OOP Konferenz 2015 - Software meets Business, SIGS DATACOM, München, 29.-30. Januar 2015.
2013 Attendance WWDC 2013 - World Wide Developer Conference from Apple, San Francisco, June 10-14, 2013.
2013 Besuch Ganztagesveranstaltungen zu "Performante Mobilapplikationen mit Javascript", "JavaScript for Real Developers: Ein Survival-Bootcamp" und "Mobile Applikationen mit jQuery Mobile und HTML5" bei den /ch/open-Workshop-Tagen, Zürich, 10.-12.09.2013
2012 Besuch Ganztagesveranstaltungen zu "Enterprise Mobile Apps mit Sencha Touch" und "User-Centered Mobile Development" bei den /ch/open-Workshop-Tagen, Rapperswil, 5.-6.09.2012
2011 Besuch Ganztagesveranstaltungen zu "Mobile Webapplikationen mit dem Sencha Touch MVC Framework", "Umgang mit Fragmentierung auf der Android Plattform" und "Android Game Development 101" bei den /ch/open-Workshop-Tagen, Zürich, 13.-15.09.2011
2010 Projektmanagement Fachmann SGO.
2009 Attendance one-day Apple-event "iPhone Tech Talk", Hamburg, November 18.2009.
2009 Sun Certified Java Programmer SE 6.
2008 Certified Scrum Master.
1997 Six month language stay in the USA.

Please contact me for further information.

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